Express Yourself

Express what you think and feel. Do not be either afraid or lazy to do it. عبر عن فكرك و احساسك. لا تخاف ولا تكسل انك تعمل كدة.

Tech Industry, Diversity and Inclusion
Tech Industry, Diversity and Inclusion

بالمصري تحت. In the article below, the author is stating that the Tech industry has a long-standing diversity and inclusion problem. I believe he means it in the sense that

Hindu Nationalism, Political Islamist Movements and Trumpism Intolerance
Hindu Nationalism, Political Islamist Movements and Trumpism Intolerance

بالمصري تحت. I am worried about India. I do not want it to slide into intolerance, both to those Indians who adopt different views to the majority and to foreigners.

Bahramji Persian Sufi Music
Bahramji Persian Sufi Music

بالمصري تحت. The piece I would like to share with you today is Dusam Daram created by Bahram. You can find the link below. I find the music and singer’s

5 Things Bill Gates says you must do to be Successful
5 Things Bill Gates says you must do to be Successful

5 things Bill Gates says you must do to be successful: know how to say ‘no’, welcome criticism, be optimistic, focus on a goal and be willing to fail. #BillGates#Success#Entrepreneurship

Cheapest Computer Ever?
Cheapest Computer Ever?

Probably this is one of the cheapest full on computers out there! Mainly a Raspberry Pi and a Monitor. I have used it last week. #Tech #RaspberryPi #Computers على الأغلب

Should Companies help their Government spy on People in other Countries?
Should Companies help their Government spy on People in other Countries?

بالمصري تحت. “As an American company, why won’t you agree to help the US government spy on people in other countries?” —An unspecified Trump adviser asks Microsoft President Brad Smith.

In this discussion, is Jack Ma an idiot? And is Elon Musk too full of himself?
In this discussion, is Jack Ma an idiot? And is Elon Musk too full of himself?

بالمصري تحت. It seems like Elon Musk tried his best to hide his annoyance with the views expressed by Jack Ma. Jack Ma definitely is not an idiot as mentioned

U.S. China Trade War. How Serious is it?
U.S. China Trade War. How Serious is it?

بالمصري تحت. What do you think about the seriousness and remedies for the U.S./China current trade war? In this article by Thomas Friedman, he argues that we are in a

Foundation Sci-Fi Series by Isaac Asimov
Foundation Sci-Fi Series by Isaac Asimov

بالمصري تحت. I have read “Foundation” and “Second Foundation” by Isaac Asimov, the second and third parts of his Sci-Fi series “Foundation”. I have enjoyed them. Many resemblances to real